Assassination Classroom - Review!
Title : Assassination Classroom, Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Synopsis : When a mysterious creature chops the moon down to a permanent crescent, the students of class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Middle School find themselves confronted with an enormous task: assassinate the creature responsible for the disaster before Earth suffers a similar fate. However, the monster, dubbed Koro-sensei (the indestructible teacher), is able to fly at speeds of up to Mach 20, which he demonstrates freely, leaving any attempt to subdue him in his extraterrestrial dust. Furthermore, the misfits of 3-E soon find that the strange, tentacled beast is more than just indomitable—he is the best teacher they have ever had! (Source : MAL)
Genres : Action, Comedy, School, Shounen
Plot/Story 9/10
I find the story very interesting, the fact that they grow a bond with their teacher while trying to murder him all day, very casually, is amusing to me. I've personally had teachers that seemed to not care about my standing in academics and a lot of differences between us. In this anime, the students, compared to their teacher, probably have the most differences in the world hands down. I mean, he's basically a grown a** yellow octopus! Those differences don't seem to stop their ability to really like their teacher, grow a bond with him and at the same time to deep fry the guy dead. Their teachers seems to really care about them, and not let their assassination attempts against him stop him from giving them a top notch education. It’s definitely hilarious at times, and despite the murder part, it's a very lighthearted anime. I started watching it with very low expectations, but I was astonished to find that I really loved it. The light humor, casually carried violence and constant improvement to their murder schemes against their teacher combines to make an amazingly unique anime worth watching.
Characters 9.5/10
I grew to love a lot of the characters. Most of the characters have certain traits about them that will surprise you.You can't underestimate anyone in that class by appearances because they're all badass in their own unique way. The author did a good job creating a classroom full of students with different skill sets that could potentially link for a successful murder scheme against their teacher. With all the loveable and interesting personalities introduced in this anime, you will grow to love the anime even more.
Animation/Design 8/10
The animation is by no means the best in the world but it's above average. The animation is perfect for what this anime is about. The fight scenes are pretty amazing, you won’t get your eyes off the screen! The character's design is very attractive, no problem there. Rich with colors, and detail.
Audio/Soundtrack 6/10
Personally, I can't stand some of the soundtracks. In one specifically, it sounds as if my laptop is malfunctioning, but in reality it's just part of one of the anime’s soundtracks. (I was actually scared for a second, *sigh*) You shouldn't let this discourage you from watching this anime series though, the amazing and rich story it carries will wash away the negative judgement on it's audio.
Overall 8.8/10
Overall, I'd say this anime is definitely worth watching. Don't let what I said about the soundtrack or the fact that the thumbnail of this anime has a very ugly yellow octopus, discourage you from watching it. If you like at least ¾ of its genres (Action, Comedy, School,Shounen) like me, then I can guarantee you'll love this anime. At the moment, i'm rushing into Season two because I want more of this amazing anime!
Link to watch it :