Why You Should Watch : Servamp

Why You Should Watch : Servamp
Note : this is based on its first few episodes
-Awesome Opening my OLDCODEX
-Interesting new twist on the usual vampire concept, making them “serve” people
-(MY WEAKNESS! There’s a cute cat involved! Idk about you but I can't say no to that.)
-There’s basically a battle royal between the servamps, meaning it’s bound to be action packed and bloody if the first episode is any indication.
-MC and his servamp are basically opposites of each other in some respects, so this should make for some interesting banter and interaction
-Lots of room for character development
-Has an Ao No Exorcist (blue exorcist) feel to it, and nice animation to go with it.
-Fans of Action/Supernatural/Gore with some Comedy will probably love this one
-(Not everyone likes the Opening apparently)
-It’s always hit or miss with vampires in anime…
-Not a real fan of the MC so far, but hoping that’ll change in later eps.
-Villain looks like stereotypical baddie, not sure if that’s even a real Con right now, could turn out great or horrible though. (UPDATE: HE'S BAT SHIT CRAZY!)
-Could get pretty gory so… probably not a good watch for the squeamish...
Genres : Action, Comedy, Shoujo, Supernatural, Vampire
Synopsis : The story revolves around a 16-year-old boy (15 at the beginning of the story) named Mahiru Shirota who likes simple things and dislikes difficult things. One day, he picks up a stray black cat he finds in the middle of the road and gives it the name Kuro (which literally translates into "black"). From this moment on, a contract between the servamp Sleepy Ash and Mahiru is formed, and Mahiru is pulled into the Servamp war between the seven deadly Servamps and their eighth sibling Tsubaki. (Source : Servamp Wikea, MyAnimeList edited)