ReLIFE - At A Glance!
Title(s) : ReLIFE
Synopsis : Arata Kaizaki is an unemployed, single 27-year-old who has just been cut off from his parents' financial support. Unable to find a job due to him leaving his previous employer within three months, he is stuck. One night after drinking with a high school friend, Arata meets Ryō Yoake, a man who offers Arata pills to turn him back into a 17-year old so he can redo his life. After agreeing to the experiment, Arata joins a high school class, and meets Chizuru Hishiro, a socially-awkward silent beauty who yearns to have friends. Through connecting with her and other classmates, Arata must find what he lacks to live a happy life in the real world within a one-year time limit. (Source : Anime News Network)
Genres : Romance, Comedy, School, Slice of life
At A Glance :
This anime definitely started off dull, and ultimately, has not changed. (I have now watched about half of it). Although, I have to admit, despite how dull it might be, there has so far been quite a lot of instances where expressions, and actions, have caught me off guard and made me genuinely laugh. You have to understand, not even my favorite anime’s can make me laugh this consistently, so if I’m saying its made me laugh, then it’s at least funny. (Just kidding…but seriously.) The MC is in my opinion the funniest, because in his current circumstances, he finds himself caught off guard many times and doesn’t know how to react. The art on the other hand, doesn’t really please me. It’s pretty dry, which adds to my negative feelings about this but, oh well, could be worse. Unless the anime’s genre is something you look for, and like (Romance, Comedy, School, Slice of Life), I would not suggest giving this anime a shot. I don’t like it, but somehow, for some damn reason, I continue to watch it. (Some part of me is crying for something amazing to happen, and is impatiently keeping me watching it to witness something amazing. if it ever does happen… I’m a mess.)