Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - Review
Title(s) : Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Kōtetsujō no Kabaneri Genres : Fantasy, Drama, Action, Horror Synopsis : On the island country...
Taboo Tattoo - At A Glance!
Title(s) : Taboo Tattoo Synopsis : Justice Akazuka (nickname Seigi) is a young man who is good at martial arts. Seigi rescues a homeless...
Servamp - At A Glance!
Title(s) : Servamp Synopsis : When a stray black cat named Kuro crosses Mahiru Shirota's path, the high school freshman's life will never...
Berserk (2016) - At A Glance!
Title(s) : Berserk (2016) Synopsis : Guts, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces that pursue him and his...
ReLIFE - At A Glance!
Title(s) : ReLIFE Synopsis : Arata Kaizaki is an unemployed, single 27-year-old who has just been cut off from his parents' financial...
91 Days - At A Glance!
Title(s) : 91 Days Synopsis : During Prohibition, the law held no power and the mafia ruled the town. The story takes place in Lawless, a...
Introducing "At A Glance" Blog Series!
One of the main goals of AP, is to take traditional ways, and also innovate our own ways of exposing you to our teams thoughts on new...
Assasination Classroom S2 - Review
Title(s) : Assassination Classroom S.2 Synopsis : The students return as school is back in session for the second semester. Following...
Seisen Cerberus - Review
Title(s) : Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités Sypnosis : Sword and magic rule in the continent of Kuna'ahn. In this continent are...
The Devil is a Part-Timer! - Review
Title(s) : The Devil is a Part-Timer!, Hataraku Maou-sama! Synopsis : Devil King Sadao is only one step away from conquering the world...